Yesterday I went to the Rheumatologist. I was in the most horrid pain! I could barely walk. The pain I feel in my right arm has spread to other concentrated areas including my legs and my other arm. I think I’m crippled. I haven’t been sleeping. I try things that help for a little bit, then all I do is cry. It sucks.
The Rheumatologist wrote me a prescription for a muscle relaxer and I took that last night for the first time. It seemed to help some. I also have an appointment with a new Neurologist. I don’t think the other one was willing to search for the underlying Neurological issue that we believe exists.
The Rheumatologist mentioned that the Neurologist may have me do a nerve study. I don’t really know what that is, but it sounds painful and expensive. Speaking of expensive, are you voting for me? I really could use this. The medical bills are insane and with all the specialist appointments, we’re struggling. Thank you to all those that continue to vote for me daily!
I think next week I am going to take a day and sit my crippled ass down at the medicaid office and see what can be done to help us. I need so many tests and doctors appointments and with me not working, I need help. I paid the money in, so you would think that it would be there for times like this. Instead I am sure my funds are being used on some illegal citizen or a drug addict meth head. I was already told we do not qualify for indigent health care. We can pay our bills so we are not poor enough…they told me a family of 5 has to bring in LESS than $700 a month. Seriously.
I posted this photo the other day, but I am going to use it as my “wordless” Wednesday because it makes me smile.
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Brandy I am so incredibly sorry for all the pain you are going through and even more so that you can not get the help you need. It is sad when our own country will not step up and help its own citizens who are truly in need.
I love your picture! She is such a cutie.
Thanks girl 🙂
your photo is adorable. too cute! full of personality!
((((Brandy)))) Im sorry you are in so much pain. No one should have to deal with pain like that. Good luck at the medicaid office!
Thanks! I’m gonna need all the luck I can get…the fact that I have a DL a SS# and speak English have the odds stacked against me…
OMGosh…adorable pic and yes, I’m voting for you. Good luck!
Thank you for continuing to vote!!!
**hugs** girl! I’m so sorry you are feeling like crap. It is so hard to go through some days, heck most days! We really need to talk, I may have some ideas for you to try. email me your # okay.
take care sweetness.
Thank you 🙂
Suck. I hope they can help you somehow at the medicaid office. Maybe Jeremy should just stop working. Then they’d help, right? Pfft, so jacked up.
I’ve been voting!!
LOL! Maybe!
She is so cute! I’m sorry about the medical stuff. Hopefully something can be worked out.
Thanks Shan!
I’m with you. We paid into the system yet when we need it, e.g. Social Security etc., we can’t get it. It sucks when I see people get it that go out and party, have nicer, new things and never paid into the system. There is something totally wrong with the way this is working.
I’m voting for you daily. I have you in my favorites and I link onto it daily. I really hope you will win the grand prize because I think you need it and deserve it. I didn’t enter a picture of my own because I think you need to win worse than I do, because I do have health insurance, but just awful military Doctor’s that won’t test me for the things I’m sure are wrong with me.
I understand your chronic pain and yeap the pain sure keeps you from sleeping. Lack of sleep keeps you from thinking clear headed, as well as in my case very grouchy.
The nerve tests they’ll be doing are EMG’s and NCV’s. One is a little painful, as you’ll feel little shocks of electricity. They are going to be measuring how well and quick a nerve receives instructions on how to work. I have delayed conduction down my right arm and my left leg. The information helps them maybe determine if you have conditions like MS, or ALS, or have damage from strokes, and other illnesses.
If you start having problems with breathing and your digestive system on top of everything else, I’d see if you could get tested for Adult Onset Pompe’s disease or Hematochromatosis (also known as Hemochromatosis). Don’t let anyone tell you that these diseases are not in the USA and are predominately in other areas of the world. They can hit any race of people, anywhere in the world. These are the diseases I want to be tested for, but I can’t get the Doctor’s to write the orders for them. These tests are mitrochondrial tests and cost around a $1,000 to $2,000 each.
Lauralee, your comments are always so informative! I have been meaning to respond, but it takes everything I have just to get the posts up here! I just took the last half of an oxy codone so that I can take a nap. I have to be at the Circus tonight (blog related), I’m worried about the walking involved…yikes! I hope that by going down to the actual office I will get someone that can tell me what to do! I need to get help, I mean I would think since I can not work that I could get disability right? Would my doctor just need to fill out a form? Do I just show them the medical bills? You are right about my not being able to think clearly. I forget EVERYTHING!
Oh hun, I wish there was something I could do to ease your pain! (((hugs)))
That pic of your daughter melts my heart! I’m so glad that you can find a little comfort from looking at it.
You’ve got my vote Brandi! 🙂
Thank you so much Jacqueline!
Her eyes are stunning in this photo. Loves it! I am so drawn to pictures with personality and this picture is absolutely beautiful.
Take care,
I’m so sorry you’re in so much pain. I really hope you can find a way to get the answers and financial help to get through it all.
I can see why that photo makes you smile. Precious!
I absolutely love this photo. It would make me smile as well.
Yikes! Hope you feel better and you can get the help you need. I will most definitely vote for you.
The picture of your little girl is so cute! Happy WW!
I am SO sorry you’re dealing with all this crap 🙁 But on the bright side, that is an adorable pic!
(((HUGS))) I’m so sorry that you have to deal with all that. I’ve been hit with a whack of medical stuff lately (not nearly as serious as you though) and don’t know what I would do if we lived in the States. We’d be completely out of money though and no insurance agency would come anywhere near us, that’s for sure.
I LOVE the picture.