I always love participating in Simple Service Projects with Champions for Kids. It is something that my kids and I can do together to inspire others to do more as well. This service project is about #SIMPLEGiving. Many kids wake up hungry and go to bed hungry. We all know that breakfast is the most […]
Who Received our Doggie Gift Basket? #ILoveMyk9 #CBias
So I told you guys all about our shopping trip to gather items for a Doggie Gift Basket that we were making as a service project. We chose to donate our basket to the local animal shelter. You can view our shopping trip on Google+. First we had to take all of our items and make it look […]
Ideas for a Doggie Gift Basket! #ILoveMyk9 #CBias
We love dogs! I am totally not a cat person! If you know me at all, then you know that I am pretty much terrified of cats! I seemed to have passed the “terrified of cats” gene onto my youngest daughter Emma. She likes to look at them, as long as they can’t get to […]