Paleo Orange Cream Popsicles Recipe These easy-to-make popsicles will have you feeling like a kid again. They’ve got a great orange and cream flavor that tastes a lot like those old-timey favorites (the ones with the orange-wrapped cream center), but can be made in the comfort of your own kitchen. This post contains affiliate links. […]
Take the “ick” Out of Raw Pet Food with Stella & Chewy’s Meal Mixers #kickstartyourkibble
We have 4 dogs here and one thing that is obvious, dogs crave raw meat. We have dogs ranging from 2.5lbs all they way up near 100lbs and they all want it! We have tried to introduce a raw diet in the past, but it was difficult because it was so messy. But that was […]
“But How Do You Get Enough Protein?” 10 Vegan Protein Sources to Shut them Up!
Vegans and vegetarians are often bombarded with questions about how they get enough protein. Many parents, peers, teachers, and coworkers will insist that without meat, vegans are certainly protein deficient. This argument may be used to convince vegans about the health dangers of their diet. I’m going to tell you about 10 vegan protein sources. […]
Pros and Cons of a Vegetarian Diet
The vegetarian diet is the healthiest diet with respect to receiving direct benefits nutritionally and calorically. Needless to say, following a vegetarian diet has more pros associated with it than it has cons. Almost 16 million Americans (5% of the population) are vegetarian and 50% of them are vegan (Harris Interactive study commissioned by the […]
Extra-Virgin Coconut Oil #Deal #Groupon
Extra-Virgin Coconut Oil has soooo many health benefits! You can use it in your cooking, smoothies, raw recipes, your hair and your skin! I know some people that drink a shot glass of it daily for better health and weight management. I have used it on an on going basis in my raw recipes and […]
Raw Chocolate Mint Cupcakes Recipe
Raw Chocolate Mint Cupcakes Recipe So far being Raw this time around has been fantastic! Trying new things is really helping to keep it exciting and tasty! Morgan and I decided to try our hand at making up a recipe with things we had here at the house. We made it up as we went […]