I still do not have insurance. I can’t really apply for anything until I get a new neurologist. Since my Rhuematologist moved away I’m kind of in a bind. The new Rheumatologist tried to discredit everything my old one had accomplished with me. She even wanted to take away my meds. I’m not sure how […]
The Doctor Visit.
That visit I had been waiting months for. It happened. It sucked. It was a waste of time and a huge disappointment. I cried the entire time I was there. The new doctor is nice enough, I don’t want to bash her. But in the few minutes she seen me she tried to start me […]
Wordless Wednesday
Today I go see the doctor. I have rescheduled two times and cannot put it off any longer. I am sure that I will leave with no answers. I will come home with higher dosages, new meds and another insistence that I see a new neurologist. I want to see a new neurologist. It’s just […]
Happy New Year!
I know I’m a few days late on this post, but man I am just run down! It’s been one thing after another. Leading up to Christmas I was so busy posting reviews and giveaways that I really didn’t even have anytime for personal posts. I’m thankful that things are slowing down around here. We […]
Wordless Wednesday
On Sunday I did an infant shoot. Such a handsome little boy. You sure could tell he loved his mommy. It ended up being extremely nice outside on Sunday, so we were able to go outside with the baby for a little bit. We got some really adorable shots. I will include one of my […]
Update on Me…
I have a rhuematologist appointment on Friday…I think so anyhow. I get really forgetful, I have it written down somewhere though…just have to remember where. I’m currently taking Neurontin, which is an anti-seizure medication. this is being increased gradually. The idea behind this is that eventually it kind of turns off the pain singles to […]