Natural Remedies for Chronic Pain Chronic pain is very hard to deal with. But there are some natural remedies for chronic pain that can give you a little relief to help you manage better. This post contains affiliate links. What is the Definition of Chronic Pain? Chronic pain is different from normal aches and pains. […]
Natural Remedies For Headaches
I get headaches often and headaches can be extremely painful. Sometimes they steal the whole day from you and your productivity drops to zero. If you are one of the millions of people who suffer from headaches on a regular basis, this article is for you. Before you decide to reach for the medicine cabinet, try one of these natural […]
Yesterday’s Birthday Girl is Sick…
Poor Emma has caught some sort of funk. She woke up around 4:30 this morning crying and needing to use the potty. When I touched her she was on fire. Fevers scare me, they scare me even more with Emma though. A few years ago Emma had a Grand Mal seizure. This was not a […]
Some Abnormal Labs…
Yesterday I missed a call and had a voicemail from the PA to the Neurologist. Her message said that I needed to come in so the doctor could go over some borderline abnormal results on some of my labs. The word some is what get’s to me. Not one, some… I called and made an […]
Busy Busy Busy…..Needs Sleep…
Today was so super duper busy for me. I took all the girls to Sharkarosa! I will be blogging that in a few days along with some fun photos. I am also desperately trying to catch up on my blogging and graphics responsibilities. I fell very far behind due to the 2 week headache and […]
The Neurologist…
I really don’t have anything more to tell you than I had before. After speaking to the Neurologist she ordered a bunch of lab work. She needs the lab work to compare to somethings that were found on my CAT scan and MRI. She also wrote me an RX to help with my headaches. […]