That is what you will often hear me saying. My watch broke forever ago and since then I just never got around to getting a new one. Instead I would dig out the cell phone, walk to the kitchen to look at the stove or pester others to know the time. I am that annoying […]
Check Out This Juicy Reward!
Ok, I know all my readers are smart and are collecting their Juicy Rewards from Tropicana! If you haven’t started then please read this post so you can learn all about it! Trust me, you want to get your reward points so you can get some great deals! Tropicana Juicy Rewards has something sweet for […]
Some Great Deals on Magazines!
I love love love magazines. Getting a good deal on a subscription is so much better than purchasing them one by one from the store. You can pay just a few dollars more and get a whole year (or 2! See the Redbook price below)! Check out these deals going on at Amazon right now! […]
I Always Get Great Deals
I’m not an impulse shopper unless I’m at the thrift store and I find something that is truly unique. When I am looking to buy something, I shop around for the best deals. I usually do this online since driving around wasting gas can kill any kind of good deal. On the internet I can […]
Window Shopping and Fried Chicken
When I am bored (like right now while I am waiting for the Fried Chicken to cook) I window shop the internet. Usually when I window shop the net, I think of things I want in my dream home. Like how the Kitchen and Bathrooms will look. What kind of Counters, Cabinets, Floors, Tubs, Sinks..etc…etc… […]
Cyber Monday…it’s Coming!
Will you be participating in Cyber Monday 2009? I’m planning on it myself. I have this weird thing about crowds in stores. It seems like the person behind me is always sneezing and I flip out. Don’t sneeze on me. Don’t even stand near me, go away cootie people! This is exactly why I am […]