My girls are super obsessed with superheroes and comic style art. So with all the excitement from my trip to NY to see The Avengers, I decided to paint Lauren some comic book themed shoes using Elmer’s Painters Paint Markers and cheapo $5.00 shoes. What you will need to pull off this awesomeness… Jump in your vehicle […]
How to Make a Painted Candle Centerpiece for Thanksgiving! #GlueNGlitter
I love Thanksgiving! The best foods of the year are served at Thanksgiving! Candied Yams are my favorite! Homemade stuffing coming in a close second… We got a head start on dinner table decor today by making a centerpiece with painted candles! It was a really fun project and I was able to get the […]
How to Make a Spooky October Calendar! #GlueNGlitter
Spooky October Calendar October is one of favorite months! Why? Well because it’s the month my dad was born and without him I surely would not exist! I also love it because of Halloween! I love Halloween! Crafts, decorating, costumes, parties and so much other fun stuff! Today we went all out and designed a spooky […]
Ladybug Life Cycle Project
Ladybug Life Cycle Project We started our school year with a fun project on the Ladybug Life Cycle! The whole process went on for a few weeks as we watched the life cycle of Ladybugs! This post contains affiliate links. The first thing we did was order the Insect Lore Ladybug Land. It’s super […]
4th of July Kids Crafts to Decorate Your Bikes! #gluenglitter
Remember when you were a kid and how we did simple things that were a lot of fun? Lots of crafts and time outside? Remember attaching playing cards to your bike to make it sound like an engine? Remember decorating your bike for little mini parades? Those were good times! I try to keep my […]
We Can Help Elmer’s Raise $10,000 for Adopt-A-Classroom!
Luckily I do not have to buy the long list of school supplies that a lot of you do. If you have several kids it can really start adding up. There are a lot of parents out there that just can not afford that! When you are getting those great deals this year, pick up […]