Getting into a car accident or having trouble with your vehicle is frustrating. It would help if you had a transportation solution when you realize the car won’t run anymore. The first step is determining if the vehicle is totaled and the car’s worth. Next, discover what to do when your car is totaled and […]
When Accidents Happen: Know Your Rights When You are Injured in an Accident
In the moments after a car accident, you will most likely be reeling from shock. Even if it was not a devastating accident, your body will be flooded with adrenaline, which may cause you to lose focus or not notice any injuries you may have sustained. This is why it’s important to have a plan […]
Knowing the Law is Half the Battle: How Car Accidents Can Affect Your Family
Most car accidents are not “accidental” at all, as human error accounts for over 90 percent of vehicle collisions. Of course, we all make mistakes, but we all must accept the consequences of the mistakes that we make. In these cases, these consequences can have far-reaching effects. While dealing with the fallout from a car […]