This giveaway is closed! The winner was comment #50!
Earth Day is tomorrow! Earth day is always a time that makes people think about what changes they can make to help our environment. I try my hardest to always make good choices. I use cloth instead of disposables in many areas. Cloth napkins, Cloth diapers (when I still had little ones in diapers), Cloth wipes, etc.
One thing that has always concerned me was the chemicals that are in every day cleaning products. I was excited to be able to check out some different products from Seventh Generation.
These disinfectants contain thymol, which is a component of the herb thyme. It can be used on hard surfaces including counter tops, plastic cutting boards, highchair trays as well as children´s toys. These disinfectants kill over 99.99 percent of germs in a natural way and are effective against the Influenza A Virus, including H1N1.
The Disinfecting Cleaning Kit I received contained the following:
- A disinfecting multi-surface cleaner
- Bathroom cleaner
- Wipes
- A copy of The Conscious Kitchen
- A cleaning caddy made from recycled plastic
- Two rolls of 100% recycled, unbleached paper towels
Let me tell you that I love the wipes! I am a huge fan of disenfecting wipes. It makes it so easy to clean and disinfect areas in a hurry! I’m a mom that does a lot and I don’t have a lot of extra time. I was so happy to get a non toxic cleaning wipe!
As I mentioned before I try to use cloth for a lot, but sometimes you really need a paper towel so that you can just toss it when you are done. I can tell you that it makes me feel a lot better to use these recycled paper towels.
Seventh Generation partnered with eco-lifestyle consultant and author, Alexandra Zissu. Her new book was included with my cleaning kit. The Conscious Kitchen, discusses what is good for our health, what’s good for the planet and what tastes great. The book also includes great tips on maintaining a green and healthy kitchen.
Overall, I am very happy with the Seventh Generation Cleaning products! I think you will be too! So this Earth day, as you look around your house for places that your family can make changes…take a look at your cleaning supplies and start replacing those with something a bit more natural! Non toxic items that are much better for our environment are easier than ever to get!
The Giveaway!
One Not So Average Mama reader can win the same Disinfecting Cleaning kit that I received! The winner willl receive the following:
- A disinfecting multi-surface cleaner
- Bathroom cleaner
- Wipes
- A copy of The Conscious Kitchen
- A cleaning caddy made from recycled plastic
- Two rolls of 100% recycled, unbleached paper towels
Main Entry: Share with me in the comments below, one of your tips for going green.
Bonus entries: Main entry must be completed before doing any of the bonus entries.
- Tweet about this giveaway by hitting that little tweet button below the post. You can do this once per day, just be sure to leave a comment with the tweet status URL each time.
- Join me on facebook Networked Blogs. You can find this located in the side bar. Please leave a comment letting me know you have done this.
- Subscribe to my Enews and Updates located in the top of the sidebar. Leave a comment letting me know.
- Blog about this giveaway and link to this post. Leave a link in the comments with the URL to your post.
This giveaway will end on April 30th, 2010!
Seventh Generation products, information and the additional prize pack to give away were all provided by Seventh Generation through MyBlogSpark. No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.
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We are using re-usable bags for all our shopping trips.
I’ve been switching to green cleaning products.
very simple, even teaching to my 2 yr old granddaughter, turn off the water when brushing your teeth, only turn it on to get some rinse water but do not leave it running while you brush
We compost, recycle and shop with cloth bags.
I love my reusable bags
email subscriber
I suggest cutting out paper plates! 🙂
netwk blog follower
I’ve been using reusable bags for shopping as well as giving them for gifts. I also use cloth napkins and rags instead of paper napkins and paper towels.
I’ve been using to trade for CD’s, DVD’s and books I want instead of buying new.
At our house we use solar flashlights. No batteries to buy or recycle.
Use cloth bags.
We try to reuse things when possible and we recycle, we also have CRL bulbs
I tweeted
We’ve installed rain barrels to collect and repurpose rain water.
I keep reusable shopping bags in my car so I don’t forget to use them while out shopping.
This year I’ve been using alternative transportation to get to work instead of driving. I take the bus during the cold weather and have been riding my bike to work since it’s gotten nicer out.
Here’s a good tip. Replace your regular light bulbs in your house with those LED ones.
Use cloth rags instead of paper towels.
We’ve given up plastic water bottles and plastic shopping bags
.-= Miss Spoken´s last blog ..Not Exactly Bonnie and Clyde =-.
gkstratos at yahoo dot com
.-= Miss Spoken´s last blog ..Not Exactly Bonnie and Clyde =-.
We are going green by gardening organically, and by using cloth bags for grocery shopping.
keep the windows open instead of using a/c
autumn398 @
I take public transportation whenever possible.
I good one for me has been getting a countertop composter. I put in all fruits and veggies and all of my coffee grounds and leftover tea bags. It is incredible for your garden! And no more Miracle Grow!
.-= Cori Westphal´s last blog ..Bounce House anyone? GIVEAWAY at Two of a Kind, Working on a Full House =-.
I follow via FB Networked Blogs: Cori Eckstrom Westphal
.-= Cori Westphal´s last blog ..Bounce House anyone? GIVEAWAY at Two of a Kind, Working on a Full House =-.
I’m an email subscriber, coriwestphal at msn dot com.
.-= Cori Westphal´s last blog ..Bounce House anyone? GIVEAWAY at Two of a Kind, Working on a Full House =-.
.-= Cori Westphal´s last blog ..Bounce House anyone? GIVEAWAY at Two of a Kind, Working on a Full House =-.
Go to farmers martkets
we take reusable bags to the grocery store
we use as much reusable things as we can
I’ve got solar, and do just about everything else I can. My latest ‘green’ project is a rainwater harvesting system! Easy, easy, easy and (after gutter and cisterns) free water every winter when it rains! I then use the water for my fruit trees and veggie garden, so I can eat super local and healthy!
.-= Cori Westphal´s last blog ..Bounce House anyone? GIVEAWAY at Two of a Kind, Working on a Full House =-.
I planted a garden
Dry your clothes outside on the line, if you are able
One tip is to use cold water when doing laundry.
We started recycling this’s super easy and amounts to about half our garbage being recycled now!
We recycle, use curlicue lightbulbs, compost, etc., but the best thing we are doing is shopping less. Less is definitely more these days. Thanks!
.-= Cori Westphal´s last blog ..Bounce House anyone? GIVEAWAY at Two of a Kind, Working on a Full House =-.
I unplug everything when not in use.
Congratulations! You have won this giveaway! Please reply back with your name, email and shipping address within 48 hours to claim your win! Thanks for entering and be sure to check out my current giveaways!
I have not heard back from you on this win, please send me your info today or I will have to choose a new winner!
Reusing aluminum foil and paper towels when possible
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My husband is my little outlet ninja since reading an article on stand-by power consumption. We now unplug all non-essential appliances when not in use. It’s also gives me peace of mind that there won’t be an unexpected fire from an overloaded outlet.
.-= shel´s last blog ..Winner: Yoplait =-.
I’m an email subscriber.
.-= shel´s last blog ..Winner: Yoplait =-.
Following with Networked blogs-Michelle Hudak
.-= shel´s last blog ..Winner: Yoplait =-.
.-= shel´s last blog ..Winner: Yoplait =-.
Eliminating paper towels!
no19034770 AT YAHOO DOT COM
daily tweet,
.-= Cori Westphal´s last blog ..Bounce House anyone? GIVEAWAY at Two of a Kind, Working on a Full House =-.
4/28 RT
eat organic! good for you and your planet!
I use re-usable bags on all my shopping trips.
I am following you with networked blogs.
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I’ve started using cloth napkins.
daily tweet,
An easy tip is to change out your light bulbs for energy efficient ones
My biggest tip for going green is to teach your children young.
If they start off dividing the trash in recycling bins and turning off the water when not needed then it will become habit and they will routinely do it without thinking about it.
Thank you so much for the chance to win.
I am following via Networked Blogs.
I am subscribed via email as jweezie43[at]aol[dot]com.
4/29 RT
Be like Santa. Make a list, check it twice… a shopping list that is. Keep compiling it all week long so you only have to make 1 trip to the store instead of lots of them. Save driving, save time, save the cheerleader, save the world…
I wash my laundry with cold water..cleans just as well as warm & it saves energy!
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I use reusable shopping totes all the time & I am starting to try out the eco-friendly cleaning products. Thanks for the chance!
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Buy local conscientiously grown produce whenever you can.
i love to use baking power to clean .
im following u with fb blog name erica best
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I use scrap papers, popsicle sticks, empty paper towel rolls, etc for fun projects with my daughter, we’re recycling & not buying craft supplies!
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i clean my daughters toys with vinigar and water
Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle 🙂 *Thanks* for the giveaway!
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I recycle everything I possibly can
I Really cut back on the amount of paper towels i use to clean.
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Email subscriber.
we do not use plastic bags& we use seventh generation products,I also love the wipes!
4/30 RT
.-= shel´s last blog ..Winner: Yoplait =-.
My tip is install low flow water aerators on your faucets to conserve water and save money on your electric bill.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
Make your own laundry detergent! It’s easy, cheap, and fun for the kids to do–plus all those parabens and artificial dyes and scents are gone!
.-= Lori Z.´s last blog ..Goose and the News =-.
Switching to CFL light bulbs is not only helping to save the environment , it helps us save money on our electric bill every month!
My tip for going green is recycle everything!
I like to use reusable shopping bags & refillable water bottles.
email subscribe
We dont use paper towels. Also, I ONLY use all natural cleaning products! Who wants all those chemicals everywhere??!! NOT me!
Did the Facebook networked blog deal.
I subscribe!
I grow an organic vegetable garden. Thanks.
My tip is start with recycling. It adds up fast! We take our’s to the recycling center once a week and I always feel good about myself afterward!
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I grow my own veggies.
Tips I live by, take the train instead of driving and taking my own bag into every type of stire I shop at.