Natural Remedies for Chronic Pain
Chronic pain is very hard to deal with. But there are some natural remedies for chronic pain that can give you a little relief to help you manage better.
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What is the Definition of Chronic Pain?
Chronic pain is different from normal aches and pains. I am sure you have experienced an acute pain which is the bodies normal reaction to sensation. This is triggered in the nervous system as an alert system. This lets you know that you have an injury or that something is wrong. Chronic pain is different, the pain is ongoing. Your nervous system is overloaded with pain signals, even when nothing is wrong. Think of it like a stereo and the volume is stuck at the highest level and there is no off switch. There are many different Chronic pain conditions. I happen to have the worst one, RSD/CRPS. Some other chronic pain disorders are headaches, back pain, cancer pain, arthritis pain, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, endometriosis and many more!
Treat Chronic Pain
There are some natural ways to treat chronic pain. I try not to take too many chronic pain medications because they can cause even more damage to the body. I try to deal with things as naturally as possible as much as I can. Now, I am not a doctor, these are just some things I do to help me cope with chronic pain. These are not cures!
Essential Oils for Chronic Pain
I use essential oils daily. With my RSD I have a sensation that my bones are being crushed. It is very hard to deal with. I have found that cinnamon bark oil mixed with a carrier helps me handle it much better. There are several others that I use as well for fighting inflammation, headaches and pain. I prefer to use Young Living Essential Oils.
Massage and Acupuncture
I have not personally tried acupuncture, but I do get massages on a regular basis. Massage has really helped me to keep my body going. I am very blessed to have an amazing massage therapist in Denton, Carrie Zala. She is one of my best tools for tackling chronic pain.
CBD comes from the industrial hemp plant. It does not have THC in it, therefore, it is legal in all states as a dietary supplement. I use a salve made with CBD oil and it helps fight inflammation. I also vape CBD to help with pain and depression.
The real game changer has been Delta 8 THC gummies! Just check out this article from Observer Media for more information. Delta 8 THC gummies have improved things tremendously for me.
An anti-inflammatory diet is pretty important for those with chronic pain. Raw food diets are great too!
If you don’t use your muscles, you can develop muscle atrophy. Exercise is important for maintaining ability and to increase your quality of life. Low-impact exercises such as swimming, walking, yoga and roller skating are some great choices.
Binaural Beats
If you have never heard of binaural beats, now is the time to check them out! They can help with pain, headaches, sleep and much more!
Yoga for Pain Relief | Kelly McGonigal, PhD
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Living with chronic pain must be very difficult however, it is comforting to know that you get some relief from massage therapy. Interesting that you mention acupuncture, which I have tried but did not enjoy. I much prefer dry acupressure.