I want to take a moment and thank all of the people that helped our little rescue Chihuahua Molly! If you don’t know about Molly, she is our 3lb rescue Chihuahua. She came to us sick and we found out she had Pyometra. Now I am sure a lot of you have never heard of this condition. It can be deadly, but it is absolutely preventable.
Having your female dog spayed will not only help our over population of unwanted dogs, but it can also save your dog from this horrible uterine disease.
You can read more about Pyometra online. It is so very important that you spay or neuter your pets. I volunteer my time as a photographer for our local shelters and it is heartbreaking how many animals have no homes. So please please please do this!
Anyhow, Molly made it through her surgery on Halloween. For an itty bitty dog, she has a lot of fight. I took her the other day and had her stitches removed. This surgery gave her a new life, one that almost ended is now renewed!
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Thanks for that info. I had no idea that could happen.