If you are in the DFW area you may know that I am running a Disney on Ice giveaway here. Thing is, I got some great news yesterday! I was told I could give away an additional set! So this post is for the second set of Disney on Ice tickets! Same time, place and date!
This is for 4 tickets to be used at the Wednesday, November 24, 7:30PM performance at the Allen Event Center in Allen, Texas. Keep in mind that this is the NIGHT BEFORE THANKSGIVING!!! Do not enter if you can not make it!
So let’s do this!
Mandatory First Entry: SUBSCRIBE! I have so much awesome stuff coming up, why would you want to miss it? So Subscribe and save yourself the heartache! Leave your first comment below letting me know that you subscribed our are a current subscriber.
Bonus Entries: Leave a separate comment for each entry! Talk to me, ask my questions, sing to me, tell me jokes…it all works!
I’m not putting a comment number on this. Since it is a local giveaway that could take all day to get enough comments. So instead At 6 P.M. Central Time TODAY I will close the comments and randomly draw a winner. It’s up to you how many entries you get in between now and then! Get busy!
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This would be so neat to win! I have never been to a Disney On Ice event!!!
Oh, Im subscribed. OOPS sorry!
I wont be home at 6 but I guess that is ok since you are just announcing at 6 right? I can just email you back when I get home IFFFFF
I win. Which by the way, I REALLY want to!
Can you win this AND the other contest and have 8 tickets? Just curious?!
Nope, just one or the other….I want to spread the chances.
I subscribed! =)
So…are you doing school yet today?
Emma and Lauren are still asleep…
Jack and Sarah are too 🙂
BUT WHEN they wake up, they are on their own!
My kids are on their own today, I gotta win these tickets! LOL
disney on ice sounds like so much fun!
Im gonna FB this contest too. Or should I???
we looked into buying tickets and they are hella expensive! it’s so exciting that you are getting them to give away.
Be sure to enter this giveaway as well: https://notsoaveragemama.com/2010/11/01/disney-on-ice-texas-giveaway/ for another chance to win
entered! thanks!
Ok, I did anyway. 🙂
my little princess would be over the moon thrilled to get to go.
My kids would FLIP if we won this!!
Are you going Brandy? These tickets would be awesome to win!
Yes, we go every year. This is at the Allen Event Center and it is so nice and easy to get too!
FYI. I <3 Disney!! =)
hey, i meant to ask you a couple questions about wisk detergent. hve you used it with cloth diapers? also, do you think it would be good for getting those phantom milk stains out of stored baby clothes?
Yikes, I don’t CD anymore so I didn’t get to try that out. Emma is 4 🙂 Also, not sure on the milk stains. Our day to day stuff it has been great, and all the experiments we did were awesome.
They would think we hit the jackpot!
i have to go parent now (lol) but i’ll be back to comment more later!
These tickets would give me a better excuse to go check out the new Del Taco in Denton! =)
Nate would especially love it!
My kids would be so ecstatic if we won these! <3
Are the seats reserved or is it first come, first serve? Do you know? NOT that it matter, just curious!
I subscribe!
The hubs takes Jack to see the Allen Americans at the event center and said it is super easy to get to. Yay! Since I hate traffic.
christina – there is a five guys burgers open there, too. it’s next to the dell taco. and a carl’s junior. like a fast food paradise. lol!
OMG I would be in heaven there! I heard they are opening In and Out in Dallas area too!!! I live a couple hours away, but I would drive there for these tickets, and for the fast food!!! If I happen to win these tickets, Del Taco is on my list for must stop places! =) Last time I ate there was over the summer- in CA! It will be so nice not having to drive 18 hours to the nearest Del Taco or In and Out! <3
amy – nate is adorable!
Ha! So glad u Can give away two sets!
Im gonna try the wisk. Never have..
I think Im gonna start making my own clothes soap. I have friends that do and they love it. Have you ever made your own?
Yes, see this post for instructions! https://notsoaveragemama.com/2008/06/29/kitchen-fun/
I can see competition is going to be pretty fierce. U may be moderation ALL day! 🙂
I guess I better make breakfast..well, cereal…brb.
If I win I’m going to go with my daughter Julia, her cousin Emma and my sister!
here’s my whole gang (in their halloween costumes)
K…that was fast!
I have a two month old named Lauren. Do u know if I can bring her along without a ticket? Sure she may not be interested yet. But she is def a princess. If not that’s ok. I have a sitter.
Ok…sooooo….Im about ready for our pics. Instead of fall pics they can be Christmas pics. Do you know any good places for Christmas pics?
Nate doesnt want cereal..he wants a PBJ sandwhich
So how would one get involved in trying out all these cool new products? Seems like u have made it a part time job? Is it lucrative or more for fun?
It’s a lot of work! This is basically my job now. I also do site design here: http://stitchbladedesigns.com
Our Boy Scout popcorn came in last night..we have to deliver today. It is pretty good but dang! You gotta use a toothpick to get the GOLD out of your teeth. Its expensive for what it is!
Awww..your kids are adorable!
Are you working with Sams this year for all the Christmas stuff?
Been working with them for over a year now. Yes I am blogging about Christmas and Sam’s Club:)In fact I was at Sam’s Club in Grapevine yesterday!
Oh my gosh! I looked at that soap post…the girls look so young!!!
Emma was almost a baby!!
Did you like the soap?
@Amy. My good friend joy neville does photography! She is amazing!! U can google her name or go to joynevillephotography.blogspot.com
Amanda, I am also a photographer
You’ll have to skip over my recent travel photos though (they are all cell phone pics)
I did see your “check in” at Sams in GV yesterday..thats right. Have you been to the new Sams or do they make you go to certain ones?
My son just said he was hungry. So I said what do u want he said…candy! Ummm, no. This is what he has said everyday since Halloween…ugh!
Im ready to put up my Christmas tree!! Its all I can do not to do it today!
I am putting up a tree today for Sam’s Club that will be donated to a local charity. There will be voting on the trees, so I hope you guys will vote for mine once it is up!
amy – i made my own laundry soap but could never get it to gel up. no idea what i was doing wrong.
Try that one I linked that we did!
Brandy-you do it all. Jack of all trades!
Just wish you could tattoo again..Don needs a cover- up.
Maybe someday 🙂 The meds seem to help. I am almost completely doubled up on the Neurontin!
Excited about finding ur web sites. Sorry I didn’t realize u were also a photographer…didn’t mean to take away business! 😉 what’s ur specialty?
No worries, you didn’t take anything away from me. Amy is already a loyal Not So Average Mama fan 🙂
I love this weather! I have my windows open and my AC unit has been off for several weeks. Hopefully the bill will be nice and low!
Guess I should feed my son. He keeps saying “I’m hungry” in an oh so cute toddler way!
Gotta run help Sarah with some writing..be back soon. 🙂
Be sure to enter my other giveaways listed in the sidebar while you are here! I have even more to get up today! Christmas is coming!!!!!
Brandy- I love your photography! Do you have a price list? =)
Thanks Christina! Just email me and tell me what you are interested in doing and we will work it out. I’m cheap!
Yay! That is awesome! I will do that.. I love the vintage look to your work. We head to Dallas every couple months, where do you usually do your photography? Do you have any favorite places?
I think the blog thing would be fun! I work outside the home two days a week as an ER nurse. ( night weekends, so I can stay home with the kids) I love it, but I also started doing a few product testing with companies and that is fun. Try new products and they pay u! Awesome! Guess that’s what u do only to the extreme!
Well if you ever do and you need someone to design it, I am for hire!!! I think I should teach a class on how to get started blogging hahaa
Ok..back for a few…she LOOOOVES her new writing class she is taking at enrichment.
that is great!
I will vote for your tree for sure!!!
And am looking forward to the other contests~!!
I have a few games I want to get up today. Would make great Christmas gifts!
So…just curious, with all this Christmas talk… what is Black Friday like in Dallas?
I have not shopped Black Friday. I think people might die if I did…..
Bwahaha… we are stationed at Dyess AFB, here in Abilene it was insane.. if anything it was fun just to go and people watch lol! People were grabbing stuff out of other peoples carts, you couldn’t move more than a foot at a time, and people were getting into stuff before it even went on sale! We headed out at 2 a.m. and ended up home at 10 a.m.! Madness!
@ Amy our last ac bill was only $70 in a 2600 sq ft home. We try hard to conserve electricity. And we are with star Tex. It feels a little cold today though!! Maybe ur in a warmer area!
Laundry…neeever ends……
Brandy I have a blog but not a lucrative one! U could help me get involved? I will get back to u…seems like I could maye do it as a hobby? I love product testing and giveaways!!
Look at this sweet, sweet picture of Nate holding a baby chic. He LOVED them! We had a “down on the farm” event for preschoolers at church.
My daughter’s birthday is Saturday so this would be an awesome way to celebrate! Pick me! Pick me!
Games ROCK! Sarah and I were at the mall yesterday and there is a new “temporary” Toys R Us Express and they have games that are all a couple of dollars cheaper than Walmart or Target and they had some cute games that I have never seen. I told Sarah Id like to get a nice, sizeable game collection. WE LOVE GAMES!
Wow Amanda! I have NEVER had a bill THAT low and we are in 1300 sq. ft!
And Brandy, YES you SHOULD teach that class! I mean, if you are gonna tell people how YOU make YOUR $ you should get paid for it.
My daughter started kindergarten this year. It’s been interesting. The Second week of school her and another little girl cut eachothers hair! My daughter had long beautiful curls and ended up with shoulder lenghth hair :(!
Its a tad chilly but I work up a sweat cleaning/taking care of the kids! LOL
Oh NO Amanda! That is AWEFUL!!!!!!!!! I bet you cried!
Hey, not sure how many of you are signed up for my other site, but if you are a starbucks junkie check this out: http://myfrugalhome.com/starbucks-buy-one-get-one-free/
K..I gotta go back and do some more things..be back.
Amy we try to unplug things to stop the phantom drain. We also turn up and down the heat and ac and simply adjust. It can be done, it is just a little cold in the winter ..at first. Our home is only five years old …not sure if that helps. And i always look at powertochoose.org. Helps get the Best electricity prices.
I dont think I should be eating chocolate caramel popcorn for breakfast.
Nate keeps saying “Im in Kindergarten RIGHT Mom? ” uh…NOOOOO
Looks like u guys do homeschool. I just don’t think I’d be a good teacher. I can do simple help, but when they started getting past 4th grade math…just don’t think I’d be able to help there. Ha!
It’s so easy and Texas is the place to do it. You would be amazed at what kids learn on their own when given the chance!
Subscriber! (giantsis in GFC)
We are FINALLY taking a REAL family vacation this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Amy I didn’t cry, I did mope. Lol. I thought for sure we’d made it past the hair cutting age. Apparenlty the other little girl had cut her hair once before. Who knows who started it.
Amanda…YES you could! In our area there is PLENTY of help! There is a homeschool store that offers classes. Also, plenty of tutors. If I cant do it, I can for SURE find someone who can!
What area are u in? We are about 20 min from Allen!
We have LOTS of homeschoolers in our area. LOTS.
K so my two year old finished his bowl of cereal and is now eating a little pile of dry lucky charms. He starts pointing to his nose and putting his finger way in there. I said Bryce did u shove cereal in ur nose?! He said “that one” and keeps pointing to his nose. Luckily a minute later he sneezed it out. Flash backs of when my daughter shoved a piece of a balloon(way worse than cereal) into her nose! Ugh kids. Gotta love em AND try to keep them from killing themselves!
Want to be my facebook friend? http://facebook.com/notsoaveragemama
Follow me on Twitter! http://twitter.com/stitchblade
K so I guess lucky chas for breakfast isn’t much better than candy. :(. At least he gotta little milk in there.
My birthday is on the 28th, feel free to send gifts….. 😛
Im OH SO GLAD this is a local giveaway! Not as many people trying. 🙂
Happy early birthday! My have to hop on my lap top. My son is about to fight me for my I phone. He works it better than most adults. Thier minds are little sponges!
Can u tell I really wann win. Maybe I’ll win one set and Amy will win one?!!! Good times!
Lest u think I’m doing nothing…I always always multitask! Just finished feeding my newborn. She is so warm and snuggly all curled up ony lap! Love it and hate to move but my son obtained the box of lucky charms and is ONLY eating the marshmellows!
LOL Amanda..that is funny..BUT SCARY! Im glad he sneezed it out!
Yes Brandy…happy early birthday! Mine was Sunday..I wanna win these for MY BIRTHDAY PRESENT. LOL
Brandy is the other give away drawing tomorrow?
By the way Amanda, go enter all her other contests if you havent already! Ive won several over the past year. They arent hard to win!
I just entered the Lawreys and Dominoes contest.
By the way Brandy. I forgot to enter the MAIN entry first and entered 2 bonus ones before I realized..is that a NO GO?
Hey, I ONLY eat the marshmellows too!
UGH! Gotta do some school now….be off and on.
Now I’m cleaning and typing it’s a little hard, but not too bad! Come on Disney on ice!
Black Friday, Cyber Monday…
Cool! I wanna win. Seems like u can enter and enter but never win. I used to know a lady that entered contests as a hobby. She won things from time to time but with stamps getting so expensive it’s not as cheap as it use to be. Seems like u could just okay the dollar lotto.
Working on Awana right now actually. I can sorta multi-task.
Brandy u may not even be reading these anymore…but are all ur tickets together?? As far as seating? Just wondering if u will meet the winner? And know how crazy we are about wanting to win?!
Yes the 4 pack is all together.
I can do cyber monday but black friday not so much!
Hope u guys take advantage of web sites like groupon and daily deal. I love saving money! $$$ guess that’s a hobby.
Be sure to subscribe to my other site: http://myfrugalhome.com
I signed up for Groupon ,but I haven’t looked over/into it much. I don’t really ‘get’ it I guess. I am trying to START saving $$ cuz I’ve never spent time trying to do so..and I could definately use a ‘lighter’ budget!!
We have 8 more hours of this?!
Huh. Guess I should fold this laundy. Don’t want to but Amy is right…it IS never ending. Should be happy we have clothes…and I am, but when it comes time to fold and put away…no thanks!
Brandy has contests so often, if you enter them..you will win eventually! The live ones like this take the most time but the regular ones take me literally like 5 minutes to enter so why not?
And most of the time you can “tweet” everyday of the contest so your chances go up!
I was just thinking that too!! 6pm is a long time from now. Btw- where are u going on vacation?
You can leave and come back, the more comments you have the greater your chances. I have a program installed on my site that will randomly pick a winner from the comments.
I do groupon but not daily deal..gonna check it out.
Make sure you click though to that from one of my sites!!!
cant find it…what is the site Amanda?
Click here and it should show in the sidebar http://myfrugalhome.com/dfw-area-goodwill-50-off-everything/
We are going to Galveston. We went there every year growing up and my kids have never been to the ocean!!! I feel like a horrible parent! LOL
We arent planning much, just being at the beach and relaxing! I cant wait!!!!!!
Are you guys renting a house or staying at a hotel?
I really have to win! Like, for real. No, really.
Im gonna walk A.W.A.Y. from the computer now..sooo hard to do!
I just subscribed! Thanks!
How many kiddos do you have? I have 2. Riley is 8, (she’ll be 9 on Saturday) and Colton is almost 2.
How exciting is this? Thanks for making it so fun!
watching 19 kids and counting!
I haven’t ever watched that..but I LOVE the idea of having those kiddos 🙂
then the little couple..
I LOVE 19 kids and counting!
watching 19 kids? seriously. aaahhhh! I have three kids one 5 girl, one 2 boy, and my littlest one is two months….wow three has put us over the top! yikes love em all, esp when they are sleeping!
on the phone and typing! galveston sounds good. i got to go there for the first time this past year and it wasnt too bad.I am spoiled because I’ve been to destin, FL. so beautiful.
I went there this past year too! It was fun because we went with family, but the area seems to be having a difficult time recovering from the hurricane. That part was sad. Being on the beach was fun!
I’m headed out for a bit, all comments are moderated! So I will approve them when I come back.
oh, oh, oh the duggars. ha! I thought you meant you were literally watching 19 kids.
That would be insane without some major help!
19 kids and counting is so interesting! Love that show! I’m perfectly content with the 3 I have though. =)
These tickets would be the most awesome early Christmas present ever lol! I don’t think my kids would know what to do. We have never seen a Disney on Ice show!
My kiddos!
I don’t think it uploaded my pics…bummer!
This is how excited he would be to win these tickets!
It didn’t upload the pic, but trust me..he would be ecstatic! =P
I bet! I think any kid would be super excited to go see “Disney on Ice”! Good luck!
Nate took over the computer!!! LOL
Hey guys, do me a favor and skip the pic uploads. I use that for photo contests. It used up my disc space and I will most likely have to go through and delete them later 🙂 THANKS!!!!!!
Sorry about the pics Brandy.
And Amanda, yes! Duggars!
i’m walking on sunshine…whoa oh!
been mopping the floor ….hate sticky floor and bryce spilled a danimal
back and forth allll day! 🙂
why do kids toys need so many batteries??? i think they should be solar powered so i could just throw them in a pile on the floor and they would recharge in the sun! save a ton and b green.
Lunch is served! Now I have a few minutes!
Since Brandy is out I guess I cant talk back and forth with anyone..these comments are in moderation. LOL
Oh well, I wil talk to myself. Whats new?!
Im back and forth between Facebook, here and Jacks math.
I cant wait until Christmas! Its my favorite time of year!!
Mine too! I love everything about it!
The week of Christmas we are taking the boys to ride the North Pole Express in Grapevine! I cant wait!! Ive wanted to go for years and we never could due to Dons work schedule. We are going this year!
You should send me that info…or where do I find it? I’ve never even heard of it but it sounds fun!!
Im glad we are going on that train thing this year because Nate is almost too old to really enjoy it! He will be THRILLED. I love, love, love his enthusiasm about stuff! It will be a treat!
I have to run out and go get a baby gift in a bit..
she doesnt know if she is having a boy or girl and doesnt want yellow. Hmmm..whats left??
Diapers I guess!
I love facebook. 🙂
All I hear is Yo Gabba Gabba in the background. 😉
I feel alllll alone here….I know ya’ll are probably commenting too.
Im soooo hoping I win these tickets!!!
I cant believe we have never seen any Disney On Ice events!
DO you guys use Swag Bucks?! I just started and LOVE it!
Im trying to win an Ipod and a $2500 Amazon shopping card right now thru Swagstakes!
I love to read blogs. I have about 20 I TRY to read at least a few times a week. I am a baaaad blogger though. I used to blog every day or at LEAST every couple of days but Ive been SO bad about it lately.
I’ve become not so great at my blog too! I have started school and between that and life the blog has gone by the wayside. I am trying to blog a little bit more lately, to catch up. So I understand completely!
huh, had to run to QT with the husband. probably didn’t need the taquito. oh well it’s gorgeous out. hopefully i’ll get to go run today. if my sis can watch the kids!
someone near us has their music up too loud. lovely.
We have lived in this stupid apartment waaaaaay too long. 2 years! DYING, DYING, DYING!
it is such a gorgeous day today! gonna get some fresh air
May be headed to the park here in a bit..
no shame in posting one million comments. i wanna WIN!
my daughter has recently taken to liking ice skating so she will be so happy to see the ice skating and the princesses.
Yep..we are going to the park. See ya’ll in a bit.
kind of hard not knowing how many other posts there are…smart….very smart!
my daughter is two months and a week and has just started cooing and talking and i LOVE that stage….so kissable.
i’m living in a material world…and i am a material girl….NOT. but u did say to sing. good thing it’s online. and not in person. 😉
i am the middle of five children. does that mean I am the most neglected? lol
I do not twitter. i guess this is what it would be like to twitter. have a lot of random thoughts in here. down on the floor playing with the baby and watching a baby einstein movie.
sure you may say…it’s only one thirty but this has been going on since 9 am. maybe i would be good at one of those crazy competitions where you have to keep your hand on the car to win it. only thing is you can’t go to the bathroom. that would NOT be good!
Brandy….the time on the comments says it’s 2:32pm, an hour fast…just thought you might like to know in case you want to change it. daylight savings warp.
does Lion have one syllable or two. see…my daughters homeworker is already hard for me to do and she is only in KN!
homeworker?? ha that’s what i get for doing ten things at once. trying to get Lauren to roll over. pretty sure my other two had already rolled over by two months. we do tummy time, but maybe hasn’t been much because she has reflux and my two year old tries to ride her like a horse. not cool.
my son is in LOVE with toy story. anyone else watch the same movie once a day? sure, i said I’d never do that when i had kids…but that makes you destined to do whatever you said you weren’t gonna do!
you said to get busy. apparently you had no idea how much we wanted to win. amazing how much I can do while breastfeeding. and amazed at what i will do to win tickets for my daughter. don’t think i’d try this hard if it was just for me. silly huh?
about to have to go and pick my daughter up from school.
never under estimate the power of a strong woman!
i think i’ll have julia dress up as her favorite disney princess that night. or any of them. she already went as ariel for Halloween.
where are the BEST places to go on date nights in Dallas?
where are the best places to take the kids to play?
what has been your most memorable brandcation? the most fun?
if i post every three minutes for the next 3 1/2 hours..thats 100 posts! it can be done.
does anyone else use their toes to pick stuff up? so helpful when you have your arms full of stuff!
I do. My toes are very dexterous! My whole family does it. LOL!
how much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
anything special i should know before going to see disney on ice? anything i should bring or not bring? we can take pictures, right?
alright, headed out the door to get the daughter. hope she had a great day at school with no incidents.
I wish I would’ve seen this sooner 🙂
I subscribed and am a facebook follower.
Trying to win for my niece. She LOVES all things Disney.
It is GORGEOUS outside. We’ll probably take the kids to the park. 🙂
If we win we’re going to make it an all girls date. It’ll be fun. We were going to buy the tickets, but my clothes washer broke. Ugh! Not cool, not cool at all.
So….my comments are awaiting moderation. Does this mean I have less of a chance to be entered?
I am starting to decorate for Christmas. How about you guys? I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE <3 the holidays. I like the shopping, the wrapping of the presents, the giving of the presents, the baking…everything.
So above you mentioned telling you a joke. This isn’t a joke, but a funny true story. I was a kindergarten aide my senior year of high school. We did block scheduling so I went to the kindergarten every other day for the school year. I loved it….
So in the class we had different areas. An art area, a house/kitchen area with grown up dress up clothes, a water/sand area, a building area, etc. One day I was walking around to the different areas quietly talking to the kids while they were playing…
I got to the house/kitchen area and I noticed that one boy was dressed as a man with a tie and blazer, the girl was dressed up with a woman’s dress and high heels and another boy was also dressed up with high heels and a purse and a woman’s jacket. I was a little curious because they all were playing along with the same story line…
So I asked each student what they were playing and what character they were. I asked *Michael (*all names changed) and he said, “I am the daddy. I work at a building and tell people what to do.” I asked *Marie who she was and she told me she was the mommy and she worked sometimes as a teacher but she also took care of their babies. I asked the other little boy, *Chris, who was also dressed as a woman and he said,….
“My name is *Linda and I am the daddy’s girlfriend but mommy doesn’t know it!”.
picked up my daughter and the other two kids fell asleep in the car! jackpot!
three more hours of this. who is gonna win??
i think toll roads should be banned. i feel like i’m double paying for the roads! taxes, registration, etc.
millions of peaches..peaches for me. peaces come in a can they were put there by a man …in a factory….down town. …and if I had my little way…i’d eat peaches everyday…..millions of peaches…peaches for me. name that band.
i’ve thought about putting my daughter into ice skating classes at allen ice skating rink. i hear it’s pretty fun. I let my daughter pick out one activity a season. this year she played soccer. the first game she said ….mama i don’t like soccer because you sweat! by the end of the season she was great!
Brandy, What gave you the idea to start this blog and do you enjoy doing it?
we’ve done gymnastics and like that but it’s a little far from my house. and during rush hour traffic…not good.
mind you i can babble all day. not sure if that’s a good thing or not. but true.
My niece just called and asked me to come over and play. She’s such a sweety! My husband and I have been unable to have children so my nieces and nephew fill in that gap a lot. They are the most awesome people EVER. I am very lucky! So I am going to post a few more times to try to win and then head over there. Can we post from our phones?
If i could pick any where in the world to go on vacation right now….i think i would pick the Bahamas or Hawaii. There are probably better places…but I love the beach and sand.
Love that my mom still cooks Thanksgiving dinner. so much work and love put into it. of course we try to help, but mom really likes to cook. I’ll probably brink a pie or two and of course Green bean Casserole!
I can’t believe it’s almost thanksgiving…it really creeped up on me this year.
Favorite Christmas song? Mine is “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” by Judy Garland. Her voice was AMAZING!
Does anyone else on here read Pioneer Woman’s blog? Ree Drummond? She is so funny. She’s doing a Thanksgiving Throwdown with Bobby Flay. It airs tomorrow night. Should be good!
Her blog is a lot of fun and informative. Especially when it comes to photography!
my daughter is in a special kindergarten that she goes to called spanish immersion….spanish all day and english all day the next. she likes it, but i think it may be a little overwhelming. hope she decides to continue each year.
That would be an amazing advantage for her if she does continue with it. Spanish has become integral in the workplace.
Oops, actually the Throwdown episode is tonight on the Food Network. Sorry!
my son loves to dance with me…he is two. i love to see the smile on his face when we are dancing. wish that my husband liked to dance with me!!!
do you ever give aways concert tickets….I’d love to win Taylor Swift. She has good music and seems to a good role model for young girls.
*crickets* I am sure I am being quite annoying posting constantly, I just really hope to win. Trying to think of what else to comment about.
i am truly not a psycho…..i just really wanna take my daughter and her cousin to this and nothing is better than FREE.
what the world needs now…is love sweet love. it’s the only thing that there’s just too little of. my daughter is making candy necklaces. she has little activities she can only do when the little ones are asleep..so she is ecstatic.
wonder what i should cook for dinner. something that i can make between typing on here. now….to get back to that laundry…
baaaack from the park!
You are my sunshine,
my only sunshine.
You make me happy,
when skies are gray.
You’ll never know dear,
how much I love you.
Please don’t take my sunshine away.
Oh my goodness! lots of missed responses!
oh NO!
that spanish sounds neat!!
Have I mentioned today that I really, really, really wanna win these tickets!
I used to live in Utah and this time of year I miss the snow and the mountains. We lived there for 4 years and I loved seeing the snow backdrop in our windows behind the Christmas tree. Something I miss living here in Texas. I grew up here, but living in Utah for a while was fun!
Fold laundry, leave comments…gonna be doing that now.
Ok, I am going to head to my sister’s house to see the kids and play with them. I will try to comment from my phone. You guys have a fantastic day if I can’t comment further! Seriously, good luck to everyone!
My wife asked me to comment on here to possibly win some tickets for the kids. Neat opportunity.
My daughter had a dental injury at school he other day and no one called me?!! How crazy is that. The nurse thought she just busted her lip and didn’t even look in her mouth!
We have two dog and two cats. Abby and Rocky are our dogs, Nick and Nicky are our cats. Feels like a full house at times.
Watching a movie right now eating pretzels. It’s my day off today. Unfortunately, my leg is hurting so I haven’t been able to do much!
Okay, seriously, I am leaving now to go see the kids. I know I said was leaving…just wanted to post one more time…..LOL!
I think I’m too frugal to become a gambler…which is good because the occasional lottery ticket is fun. But addiction is BAD 🙁
Can’t wait for the day I can fit into my prepregnancy clothes. After three kids can’t say I’ll ever be back to my “normal” shape! 🙁
I like the way u make me laugh…I like the funny things u do! I like the smile on ur face! I like the SPRITE in u! Catchy isn’t it?
It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. Agree or disagree?
My daughter is growing like a weed. I think she is out growing the five point restraint. Man those ones built for adults are expensive! They should really put five point restraints in all cars ..they are alot safer! It’s hard to fit more than two car seats in most cars!
One more day with u! One more hour! Love that song! Finished folding ..now to Put away!!
Wont be long we have will be leaving for dinner/church
disagree Amanda!
I LLOOOOVOVEE Christmas time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awanas tonight!!!!
I wont be home til after 8:30…can I check my email then and be ok?? I mean, I dont have like an hour time limit to let you know do I?!
IIIIFF I win!!!!!!
I know Im NOT my normal shape after 3 kids!!!!
yeah, I am not a gambler either!
my husband always says he cant wait to win the lottery and i always say..you gotta play to win!
Taking the kids to eat pizza before Awana. We have a great Bible study going on right now..cant wait to go!
Brandy, Brandy, Brandy, Brandy, Brandy!
I love the winters in Dallas. I used to live up north and remember having to shovel alot of snow.
I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed these tickets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you hear the desperation??
Christmas is my favorite holiday of the year!!!!!!!!
How funny you say that Amanda! At the park today I was talking with some friends and said I think every car should have 5 pt. harness’ for seatbelts. How expensive can it be?!
5 pt. harnesses are so much safer you would think it would be worth it.
I can not wait to retire I plan on doing a lot of fishing and a lot of things I could not due to the hours I worked.
Amanda, maybe we should start a mommy campaign.
My kids and hubs are already in the car! LOL Im STILLLL commenting!
Im just trying hard to win! Doesnt it pay off to be persistant?!
I love my husband!
I love my children…although they are driving ME INSANE today!
I REALLY hate to leave this computer 2 whole hours before the contest ends! I just know there will be TONS more comments!
Playing with the kids. Julia is pretending we’re at church. So cute!
Everyone sing Happy Birthday to Brandy..even though its a little early!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Brandy…
Haaaaaappy Birrrrttthhhdaaayyyy toooooooo YYYYOOOUUU!
just a few more comments and I will go!!!!!!!
I know ya’ll will be glad!
It would mean so much to my kids to get to go to this event.
Seriously. This past year has been rough as far as extra activities go.
A 30% pay cut didnt help anything!
So anyway, it would be nice to get to do something like this for the kids..
Put away the laundry!!! Wow. Thanks Disney giveaway…what a motivator.
BUT I know lots of other people are in the same boat. Whoever wins ..CONGRATULATIONS in advance since I wont be home!
Everyone have a good night!
I used to go to Atlantic City on summer vacations when I was a kid. Hope to relive that experience in the next year I herd a lot of things have changed since the casinos have taken over.
It was a beautiful day at the park today!
the wind is a little cold…but it was fun! there was ONE family I missed seeing but..that is ok.
NO JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would love to live up North. I like cold waaaaaaay better than hot!
Our family will be visiting Walt Disney World probably in January or February next year. It is a lot of fun.
We are considering the park, but it looks so windy! Plus we went yesterday. But the
kids love it.
I’m thirteen now and I don’t know how my friends could be so mean! …love Taylor!!
What is everyone making for dinner tonight? I am thinking meatloaf.
Oh no…north is for visiting! Warm is much better. Thought last year the snow was great.
My pets are so cute, they are running around having fun
My pets love being outside and enjoying our back yard.
I like to move it move it! I like to move it move it…though I’m cuddling the baby again.
I love to watch net flicks when I am off. The only problem is that most of their movies are older.
Amy…gotta get an iPhone!
Red Box is doing pretty good with having newer movies to watch and they only cost $1.00. Such a deal!!!
My niece is pretending to ice skate with her skates on. That’s love! See she would love, love, love these tickets!
Blockbusters is trying to get more competitive by offering special deals. One of the deals was on renting a video game for the week. Good deal!!
Ok…what to make for dinner…I could cook or KFC is 1.99$ chicken fried streak! So healthy.
We have a WII and my wife and myself spend time playing lots of games such as baseball, tennis, golf, WII fit, Hells Kitchen and others. I hope to eventually get a play station 3
Wish I had some jet skis. That would be awesome.
Never stop learning. Ur brain will literally start to atrophy if u do.
I am thinking of going to take some college classes on line. Right now I am looking into what college to go to. Does anyone have any ideas. I would be open for on-line classes or going there.
Give me a break give me a break. Break me off a piece of that kit kat bar!
FYI, Mandatory enter is TO SUBSCRIBE and leave a comment saying that you have. If you have not done so, then please do so now or all of your comments will not count. That would be sad!!!
Mandatory First Entry: SUBSCRIBE! I have so much awesome stuff coming up, why would you want to miss it? So Subscribe and save yourself the heartache!
The cost of insurance is astronomical. Not excited about it going up again this year.
Stop in the name of love before u break my heart. Think it oooo over.
I like you are facebook
Is the post over in one hour or one hour and four minutes? The blog time is off by an hour. U said local…so I’m assuming central standard time.
Issurance is exspensive!!! Especially medical
Scooby dooby doo where are u …I don’t know where to find u.
Going on a jet plane, Don’t know when i’ll be back again!!!
How about those Cowboys. They finally won!!
I am going to buy a cabin on a mountainside with a lake when I retire. Can’t wait!!
Do you love me? Do you love me? Can you do the twist? Can you do the twist? Watch me now! Twist, twist, shake it on baby. Twist, twist! Do you love me? Now that I can dance?! Watch me now!
Who has seen the new Connan O’Brian show?? I think it is pretty good and will get better as he finds his nitch of what he can and cannot do on the show.
I also like George Lopaz
I need to start thinking like an inventor. Pillow pets, pet rocks, fazoodles, and silly bands …these are all such crazy ideas that the kids love!
If I had a hammer I would hammer in the morning. I hammer in the evening on over this world!!
I’ve been working on the rail road fe fi fiddle I doe oh oh oh
Why do birds suddenly appear….everytime…u are near? Just like me they long to be close to u!
if a tree falls in the forrest and nobody is around to hear it does it make a noise?
Without lies would there be truths?
Anyone have a great suggestion for a family car…not a minivan. Captains chairs I’m the middle and must have a DVD player! 🙂
Does Santa Clause really exists? Where is Santa’s house. North Pole? Where exactly in the North Pole?
Hey Amanda is that song from Captain and Teaneil
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
She wore a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree
Butterfly kisses after bedtime prayers, putting little white flowers all up in her hair.
tick tock tick tock the mouse ran up the clock. the clock struck one and down he ran
Who believes the world will end in 2012? According to the Myans.
What kind of fool am I that never fell in love
You must believe in this a kiss is just a kiss, a sentimental smile at best
Ricky Rack, Ricky Rack Den #7 is best in the pack
I love you, You love me. We are just a family
Love me tender, Love me sweet. ou know love you!
We are family!!
Will Dallas Cowboys win next Sunday?
Is it better to be loved and lost or never had been loved at all
Going to my daughters school on Friday to be a mystery reader..so excited.
About to sit down for dinner! Yummy!
brandy – you do photography as well?
we needs some recent shots of our kiddoes (ideally of all 6 of us).
cause camera phone pics are doing it for the grandparents. lol
wowee 365 responses! i hardly have a chance. lol