My mom linked me to a great article about how diet can contribute to Fibromyalgia. My mom now has gluten sensitivity that she never had before and I always say how much better I feel when I consume a mostly raw diet.
There are certain foods and food groups that appear to make a difference for a significant amount of people. There is no guarantee that this will help you with your symptoms, but hey…it’s worth a try right?
I also read in the article that a small study published in the journal Complementary and Alternative Medicine in 2001 found that patients who ate a vegetarian diet consisting of mostly raw whole foods did see a reduction in their fibromyalgia symptoms.
- Aspartame (NutraSweet). All the experts WebMD talked to agree that for a large majority of people with fibromyalgia, foods sweetened with aspartame could exacerbate fibromyalgia symptoms.
- Food additives including MSG (monosodium glutamate) and nitrates. MSG is an additive or flavor enhancer that’s found in many processed and frozen foods and in some Asian cuisines. Experts say it can intensify pain symptoms in many individuals. Like aspartame, MSG is classified as an excitotoxin and has the same potential for affecting NMDA receptors.
- Sugar, fructose, and simple carbohydrates. There is no clear evidence that cutting out simple carbohydrates — like sugar, cake, or white bread — will have an impact on fibromyalgia. What it can do, though, is reduce symptoms of chronic yeast infection — a fungus that thrives on sugars and may be a secondary condition contributing to the pain of fibromyalgia. This theory, however, is still being debated by experts.
- Caffeine — including coffee, tea, colas, and chocolate. Because it is considered a stimulant, many fibromyalgia patients turn to caffeine-rich beverages as a source of energy. But McNett says the boost you get is false — and can quickly exacerbate fatigue.
- Yeast and gluten. Although these are two separate food substances, they frequently appear together — particularly in baked goods like cake, donuts, and bread. For this reason, cutting out one, usually means you are cutting out both. That can actually yield two separate benefits for people with fibromyalgia.
- Dairy. Be they low fat or high fat, some experts say, dairy products — particularly, milk — have been known to drive the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Avoiding these products may help some people turn their health around.
- Nightshade Plants: Tomatoes, chili and bell peppers, potatoes, and eggplant. There are over 2,000 species of plants that that can be listed under the category of “nightshade.” Those which are edible comprise a group that some say can trigger flares of various types of arthritis, including fibromyalgia.
This information is from WebMD, please click to read the entire article with more detailed information on why these foods may cause symptoms to worsen.
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Whoa that is crazy BUT you know what those particular foods make me feel crappy a lot too (sugar, caffeine etc) and I do not suffer from Fibro, so it totally makes A LOT of sense.
I started getting crazy pain in my joints about a year ago, went in to an allergist–did all sorts of things, and then discovered that if I don’t eat dairy, all the pain disappears.
I’ve since tried to add it back in my diet, and every time I do, the pain comes back. I have no idea what that’s called… but, for me at least, it works. 🙂
I always feel better when I eat natural stuff too!
Fibromyalgia is such a MEAN disease. There are so many that have dietary restrictions now but if skipping an ingredient or two can alleviate severe problems, then the pros far outweigh the cons.
I’ve had doctors tell me that. Foods that contain gluten and preservatives are two of the big ones.
WOW!! That is some list. I don’t suffer from this but I know someone who does. I’m going to copy and paste a link to this post and e-mail it to her. I think she needs to read this ASAP.
Thanks for posting this.
It’s SOOOO hard to change the way you eat though 🙁 I LOVE food. lol I’m really trying to make an effort though because your body depends on what you put into it to be fuel to keep it running and when you put junk in the tank, obviously it’s going to affect the way it drives… lol Thanks for sharing this!!! 🙂