Oral health care for my kids is so important to me! In fact my girls have teeth brushing cards in with their daily chore cards so that I can see that they have brushed their teeth at the proper times. With 3 kids it’s a lot to keep up with.
Knowing that my own teeth are falling apart (literally) due to medications and illness makes me even more aware of the importance of oral health care. My daughter (Lauren, pictured above) is getting ready to lose her very first tooth! That means her permanent big girl teeth are on the way, in fact one has already made an appearance! See it?
We are actually over due for dental visits for the kids, so that is definitely at the top of my to do list for July. I need to get myself as well as my husband in there as well!
I totally missed out on an awesome event called the Colgate #Buildingsmiles Tour. See, I’m having car problems…a lot. I also have these problems with my brain. I was all set and scheduled to meet up with the tour at the Irving Walmart. I had it in my calender. I borrowed my grandmother-in-law’s car. I drove there. Only there was no Colgate Tour. Want to know why? I showed up a day early! UGH, talk about feeling like an idiot. Anyhow my friend Courtney was able to attend one of the local tours here in the DFW area. You can visit her post to read what she thought about it as well as view her photos. They are giving free dental exams and giving local referrals if work is needed.
Want to know if the tour is coming near you? Head on over to Super Saving Sense to check out the list she has posted!
Colgate has such a huge selection to choose from! While shopping at Walmart I snapped some photos of the Colgate selection…this doesn’t even show everything that Colgate has available!
As you can see the prices are totally affordable as well…pair it with a coupon for even more savings!
Be sure to “Like” Colgate on Facebook and follow Colgate on Twitter.
Find Tour dates and meet the Showcase Bloggers here: http://www.colgate.com/app/BrightSmilesBrightFutures/US/EN/Building-Smiles-Together/Home.cvsp
This post has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for #CollectiveBias. All photos and opinions are my own.
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